Guidelines for new web publishers

| Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Imagine this. Mr. Big Google Advertiser is surfing the net, looking up sometrade-related keywords. He clicks through lazily to land on a strange website.The logo looks amateurish. The content is full of typos. Heck, some of thelinks don't even work. And then, he sees something he least expects to find.
He seems to freeze for a second. His eyes pop wide open and you can see amuscle going in his cheek. He picks up his phone and dials a number. "I can'tbelieve it!" He booms, "I can't believe you put MY ad on THAT website!" Uh oh.
Google has a reputation to live up to. A reputation for providing qualitycontent, targeted traffic and good value for money to their advertisers.
The way to meet these requirements is to provide content that meets theirrequirements and goes one step further to add something unique, whichother websites might not offer.
Before you apply to Google AdSense, make sure you haven't cut corners onthe layout and the quality of content. Google is quick to reject websites thatare built specifically to attract search spiders or that trick people into clickingAdSense Ads.
To make a sizable income from AdSense, you need unique content, a truecommitment to your visitors and focused content — which makes it easyfor advertisers to target their audience.
To sum up, here are a few quick Do's and Don'ts before you Apply:


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